Denotation and Connotation


Denotation: I can see a boy looking sad in front of a house and next to a wall. I can also see text next to the boy reading "Dig toilets not graves" and the charity's name, water aid.

Connotation: The boy's facial expression suggests that he is sad and this might be happening somewhere in Africa. This is because in the backround I can see some trees and a home that has a roof made of possibly straw.

Analysis: The advert helps the audience understand that there is a problem that happens there which is that they don't have much water and we need to help them. 

Denotation: I can see the logo of the brand "skittles" with a rainbow going over it. It also has a red backround.

Connotation: The rainbow might suggest the number of flavours it has. The red backround and the logo tell us the colour of the packaging. the packaging gives more attention due to the various colours.

Analysis: The advert tells us that this product is mainly for childeren as the colourful packaging make the childeren want to buy it.


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