
Stranger things:

Costume- The 4 teenagers wear casual clothing during that time period. This tells us that they're just hanging out and having a great time as friends. There was also a man in a white lab coat earlier, which shows that he does something important and it might have an impact later in the show.

Setting- This show is set in the 1980's Indiana

. This can be seen from the references in the shoe like entertainment or the clothing. But also can be shown from the text that appears throughout the show telling us where we are and what time or year it is.

Lighting/colours- In the beginning of the show there is a dark atmosphere, telling us that its night at this time in the show. The lights also flicker. This shows that something bad will happen a little bit after which is the show's way of foreshadowing something. 


Props- One of the characters has a gun as defence against the monster trying to attack him. There was also the board game dungeons and dragons that the 4 boys were playing in the basement.

Actor placement/movement/expression- The boy that was trying to hide from the monster was very scared and was running a lot to get away from the monster. Also the boys were very determined to beat their game at the beginning of the show.


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